Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Catching Up

It has been quite a while since I have posted a blog. There has been a lot going on this past year or so and I thought I should catch up on what has been going on. I know most of our blog followers are already blog buddies with my siblings, so some of you are probably aware of my Dads passing this past summer.

On May 10th my father passed away at 54 years old. It is still something that I myself am still struggling with, as well as my family so that is why it has taken me so long to get something posted. He was such a great father, and I cant even begin to express how much I loved and still love him. He Had been sick for quite a while and we knew that eventually his body wouldn't be able to hold on any longer. no matter how long someone is sick, and no matter how long you think you have or have had to try to prepare yourself for a loss of a loved one, nothing can really prepare you for when they are really gone.

When one really takes for granted the little things, like just being able to hug them or hold their hand, or even just to hear their voice, you start to kick yourself a little for not realizing how special that little thing really is. For Christmas Mariah and kyle were able to put some of our old family home movies on DVD for all of us to watch. It was amazing how moved I was just to hear my dad speak and say something small like mine or my siblings name. The anticipation was killing me to see him in the video. It was nice just be able to see him in something other than a picture. It was very nice and comforting. Thanks Mariah and Kyle for that, everyone really appreciated it.

In the end as a family we all appreciated everyone's help, love and comfort with everything. It was especially nice to see our family that we normally don't get to see often and both my dads and our good friends from all over. I was shown an immense comfort and support from amazing friends.

Below are some pictures I was able to snag from my other sisters blog.


Family Picture Excluding me

My Uncle Dan and Dad

Dad with adopted parents Grandma and Grandpa Okelberry and my oldest sister Nakoa

Dad with his parents Grandma and Grandpa Tsinnie

He was in a play, that must be where I get the "drama queen" from

Dad with my mom..... she still dresses like that on special occasions

Mariah's baby blessing

His best friend Uncle Richard

Mariah and Jeran with dad

Grandpa Bingham and Nakoa (grandpa was in his Kenny Rodgers days)

Mom, my brother Jeran and Dad

Fishing with Jeran, he loved to fish whenever he could

Most of his siblings

Mariah, Jeran and Dad in the Santaquin house

I think this is baby me

My baptism

Mariah, Dad and me

He loved to read to my niece Jada

Mom and Dad's wedding

Mom and Dad's engagement pictures

One Christmas morning

I love this family picture

Jeran looks exactly like him

Baby Nakoa

Mariah's Baptism

Mine and Scott's Wedding

Our last family picture with Dad for his birthday

Mariah and Kyle's Wedding

At the park feeding the ducks
Just after my dads passing we were able to make a trip to Colorado to visit our good friends Kyle and Ashley. It was a much needed vacation and after several times of them making trips to Salt Lake, it was nice to be able to see where they live and spend most of their lives. We were able to go hiking in the Rockies, which was absolutely beautiful. We hiked to 3 different lakes all of which were amazing and had incredible views on the way up as well. We were even able to see a moose at the first lake hanging out in the water.
We also get to see 2 Rockies games! Nothing like hanging with good friends and watching a baseball game during the summertime. We got to see parts of Denver and some of Fort Collins, and were able to also take a tour of the place that kyle spend most of his life now days. I wasn't able to take any pictures inside of the hospital, but some of it was a little iffy if you don't care to see animal anatomy. It was very interesting to see some of the process and training that Veterinarians go through.... a very long and difficult process.
Kyle has now passed his final test and from what it sounds like, is happy and very excited to start his new career. We just hope it's somewhat closer to Salt lake and we hope to be able to make it down to Fort Collins to make it to the graduation in May.
Mr. Moose

My hubby is a pro

The Hammond Family

I love this picture

Scott met his new favorite cat Cigi (I think thats how it's spelled)

The hotel from the movie "The Shining"

Elk from the golf course relaxing in the grass

Rawr!! They're fighting over there women

Uncle Scott and Cache

Scott accidentally fell in the water

Loved the beautiful view

Downtown Denver

Chillin at the baseball game

I love this little boy... he is so cute

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